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Our Updated Four-Step Process to Drive Your Digital Marketing Results

Our services at Intuitive Websites are based on a proven Four-Step Process developed over the past 15 years and based on our work with hundreds of clients. Successful digital marketing is comprehensive and it takes many activities all working together to achieve results.  Our Four-Step Process provides direction and coordinates those activities for you. Our mission is to provide the latest and most relevant content for your digital marketing strategy which is why our Four-Step Process is getting an update too.

This article is a brief introduction to the new steps and look for more content coming soon as we dive deeper into the Four Steps of digital marketing.

Here are the highlights of our new and improved Four Steps:

Step One – Strategy

What Do You Do Really Well?

Step One will always be strategy as business leaders and digital marketing team members create and write a plan to implement and track in the following steps. A lot of business leaders struggle in this area or even skip this step but it is crucial to your design, implementation and achieving the results you want. Just a few pieces of Step One include:

  • Understanding your unique value and what you do really well
  • Creating simple and clear content
  • Outlining your digital resources
  • Setting up a trackable conversion process to measure your results

Step Two – Strategic Communication

Communicate Your Strategy

Step Two and Step Three are where you see the biggest changes in our Four-Step Process.  When we created the Four-Step Process most of the digital marketing was focused on websites only. Digital marketing now encompasses much more than websites.

The old step two was Design and Development. The new step two goes further into all forms of strategic digital communications.

Today we want to help business leaders and digital marketing teams focus on how to properly use all types of digital channels to communicate and express their strategy, as well design and create an incredible website.

Are you successfully communicating the value your customers want? Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Is it clear what your company does?
  • How does your content drive conversions?
  • Is your content “scannable,” using great taglines and headers?
  • Does content add value and is it user centered?

Step Three – Inbound  Marketing

Attract Qualified Prospects to Your Brand

Step Three used to focus on traffic generation to websites but digital marketing strategy today is all about inbound marketing awareness and drawing people to you. The strategy you create in Step One is your fundamental information which you then need to communicate through different channels and through inbound marketing to attract clients to you. Here are a few examples to boost your inbound marketing traffic generation:

  • Google My Business
  • Email Newsletters
  • Social Media Channels (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Links to other websites
  • Relevant and Quality Blog Content

Step Four – Performance & ROI

Last & Most Important

As with any digital marketing strategy, you must have a way to measure your results. Step Four includes monitoring your performance and ROI through monthly digital marketing meetings, website stats and reporting, and Google Analytics just to name a few. You can then adjust your strategy and implementation as needed bringing the process full circle.

Stay tuned as we will be continuing to dive deeper into our updated Four-Step Process to more clearly explain each step and how to implement our proven process into your daily digital marketing strategy. Here are some items you can implement in your business today:

Action Items:

  • Write a Strategic, Digital Marketing Plan
  • Research Search Engine Keywords
  • Write Brand Focused Taglines & Content
  • Develop a Content Marketing Strategy
  • Launch an Email Newsletter Program
  • Use Google Analytics for ROI and Conversion Tracking
  • Schedule Digital Marketing Meetings to Review Results

For more information on our Four-Step Process, you can read Winning the Website War or contact our team today.


Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.