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Website Demographics

What are Website demographics?

Web professionals should know marketing terms:

  • Demographics – Objective and measurable data on the user.
  • Geographic – Location and what their location means.
  • Psychographics – Approaches, opinions and thoughts that are not measurable.

Understand where your users fit in these areas and then tailor the Website to meet what is important to them. The better the site hits the bulls eye, the better the results.

What is important to know about Website demographics?

  • They drive the brand, conversions, ROI and the overall success of the Website
  • This data can be found in Web stats and through market research with users.
  • The better aligned with your demographics, the better your overall Web results.
  • Position the site to push hot buttons and drive conversions.

How do you go about understanding these marketing areas?

  • You may need additional marketing training.
  • Most Website developers have no understanding of how marketing and branding works.
  • Marketing is not a hobby or something learned by instinct.
  • In a tough economy, businesses with poor marketing suffer the worst.

Every part of your Website can impact these three demographic areas

  • Every photo, color, font and tagline and every other part of your Website communicates to your demographic.
  • The better this is understood the better your return or Web marketing ROI.
  • Also, how well does your site target the user through design and usability?

Key action items

  • Look at your stats and conduct user testing to research your demographics.
  • Consult a brand expert and usability consultant to make sure you are on track.
  • Set-up your Website design and messaging to meet those specific demographic needs.
  • Study marketing and branding fundamentals and apply them to your Website.

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast. For more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit This podcast is available on iTunes.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.