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/Strategic Digital Marketing/ is About Strategy

Internet marketing is more about strategic positioning than anything else.  It has become so competitive online that you must position yourself so you will be seen as standing apart in how much value your business provides to your target market.  The first step is a thorough competitive analysis so you can see for yourself what you need to do to stand apart in the eyes of your users.  You will find that two of the most common strategies today are price and knowledge.

If you are selling products online, then your price must be competitive.  One way around this is to have so much brand loyalty that customers will pay a premium for buying from your Website.  Otherwise, price is almost always a key buying factor.  Price includes shipping, taxes and the usability of your Website.  The total cost to making a purchase.  If you are going to sell products on the Web then be ready for pricing strategies.

A second key strategy is knowledge, especially if you are a service-based business.  Users will review your online content, and if they like what they read, contact you directly.  This then becomes a lead generation tool for your sales team.  It is a lead that happened because they were impressed with the information they received from your Website.  This information is not usually found in the “About Us” link, but rather the content that helps the user reach their goals.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.