Two Lessons from Apple’s iPhone Six Plus –
I stopped by the local Apple store tonight to checkout the new Apple iPhone 6 and it was impressive. It was also sold out in both versions, which was not surprising. What I found interesting is the iPhone 6 Plus is outselling the iPhone 6 by a wide margin. Web marketers can learn two valuable lessons from the success of the iPhone 6 Plus.
1. People with Reading Glasses Spend More Money
As we all get older and our eye sight gets worse, people with more purchasing power want things to be bigger and easier to see. They want devices with bigger screens mobile enough to carry around in their pocket, like the iPhone Plus and larger Android devices. This is also true for content on websites, photos, graphics, call-to-actions and other website content. Web content needs to be big, stand-out and be easily seen by people who do not choose smaller screens.
2. The Power of Mobile Continues to Grow Rapidly
The iPhone 6 Plus is a big step towards even more mobility for the Internet user and for higher functionality from a truly mobile computer, that we happen to call a phone. This makes it even more compelling for websites to be mobile ready in all aspects of their design and functionality. We have not seen it yet, but devices like the iPhone 6 Plus will lead to the day when most website visits come from mobile devices and fewer people use laptops to do anything online. This means people will buy from mobile devices in great numbers and became sales leads from mobile submission forms and other contact pages.
By the way, I preferred the iPhone 6 Plus and can see one in my pocket in the near future.
Tom Young