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Making the Complex Simple

One way to describe successful Web marketing is taking a complex process and simplifying it.  This is generally what has to happen when a Website is built and marketed.  This is not easy and often leads to problems in launching and developing a Website that represents the business well and meets user needs.  Most companies have a hard time simplifying and translating what they do well to the Web.

We have worked on understanding our own process for several years and have used it as a foundation to develop the Intuitive Website’s Four Step Guide to Marketing Success on the Internet.  This process gets results for our clients because it is easy to follow and comprehensive at the same time.

Here are a few ideas to help you in taking a complex business model and transfer it to the Internet in a way that adds value to Website visitors.  This will help you better communicate your message and market your Website.

Write a Business Plan

The fundamentals of writing a business plan (marketing plan included) will help you get an understanding of your business’s key strengths and overall strategy.  From this plan should come the first draft of a site map for your Website.  Websites, after all, are online business plans, without disclosing confidential information.  If you have a strong business plan, then your Website should follow suit.

Break Down your Service and Product Offerings

The most important part of your Website is your product and service offerings.  Much of your success online depends on how well you organize and describe these areas on your Website.  These pages are the most popular on your Website and the reason you have a business!  Organize them so they make sense to customers and are very easy to follow.  Keep them simple and direct without a lot of marketing fluff.

Develop a Process that Works

Processes that work get results and Web users understand this value.  Explain your process and why it works for customers. This is especially true if you are selling services.  It is also important for product sales because effective operations are a major differentiator and add value.  Remember, you only have a process if others can duplicate it.  A great book to read on this subject is the eMyth.

Develop a 15 Second Commercial

In my work with CEOs, I ask them to describe their business in a few words.  Most of them can sum up their value to customers very well, yet this content is usually not found on their company Website.  Develop a brief and concise message about your business that pushes the hot buttons of your target market and communicate this on the Web.

Use Standard Navigation Links

Standard Web links include the following:

About Us
Contact Us
Privacy Policy or Statement
Site Map

These are links that are understood by Web users and should be on every Website. It also helps you organize your content by following these Web standards and better explain your business online.  Avoid getting creative in these areas because it confuses the user; stick with what they know.  Other links can include customer testimonials or a client list.

Look for more content on this subject in upcoming email newsletters, Webinars, podcasts and more on the four-step guide as we continue our mission to help companies succeed on the Internet.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.