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Facebook User Types

In this Internet marketing podcast Glenn and Tom talk about the types of people using Facebook and other social media Websites. These users can be broken down by various profiles, each with benefits in Web marketing work. It is most important to understand the types of people that drive social media content in your marketplace. Here is an outline of their discussion.

What is a social networking or Facebook user profile?

  • How people use Facebook and interact with it
  • The two biggest differences are the readers and the writers.
  • Each can have a big impact on your business and Website traffic.
  • A few people drive Facebook as most are readers.
  • The book “The Tipping Point” explains how this can happen.
  • Review of Connectors – Mavens – Salespeople

How do these drivers behave?

  • Connectors know a lot of people and relate and understand others.
  • Mavens are information specialists that start word-of-mouth.
  • Salespeople are persuaders that convince people to do things.

How should Web marketers work with these social media drivers?

  • Foster the growth of these influential people.
  • Have a great story to tell.
  • Staff and Website content should interact with them.
  • Be aware of how to handle a negative reaction.
  • The Internet can lead to invisible tipping points.

We end each podcast with an action item plan. What are the key action items for the listener?

  • Develop a social media strategy and do something.
  • Read “Tipping Point”.
  • Find the connectors, mavens and sales people in your network of customers, clients, referral sources, employees and other stake holders.
  • Measure result in your stats and overall Web strategy.

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast. For more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit This podcast is available on iTunes.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.