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Website Content

One of the greatest challenges to Internet marketing success is Website content.  Content is the most important part of your Website as users ultimately come to your site to read content.

Who Will Write the Content?

You need to have someone with the right web writing skills, time and direction to produce the most effective content. Make it a priority and look in-house our out-source.  Content creation is an on going project and you have to keep your content updated.

How does one learn how to write Web copy?

Use clear headers, bullet points, small paragraphs and clear direct graphics.   Cut your content in half and still communicate the same message.  If your domain does not easily convey what your website is about your headline and tag lines become critical.

The Principle Law of Website Content 10 out of 10 Rule

All 10 will be able to understand exactly what you do within 10 seconds of coming to the site.    The value your business provides should jump off the homepage.   Your taglines and bullet points should be clear and direct on the home page.

Avoid Market-Speak to Drive Conversions

Brochure copy should be avoided and cut to the real benefits your provide customers.    Users want to read about what value your business offers not reading about your business.  User convert when the read the content so make sure it is the content they are looking for.

Develop a Content Theme

Homepage content should be centered around three or four central themes that are key to your business.  User will be looking to answer these questions 1) who are you? 2) Are you professional/qualified? 3)  How can you help me?   If they think you can help, they will convert.  You can reinforce these messages in your navigation and your product and services descriptions

Your Social Networking tools  should be noted on your Website linked accordingly.  Much of the content on Facebook, Twitter etc. is utilizing the concise content we have been talking about.

Bad Content is Ignored

Most users do not read poorly presented or written content.  Learn how to write effective content and increase your conversions. Recommended reading:  Killer Web Content by  Jerry McGover,  Letting Go of the Words  by Janice Reddish and Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug.

Action Plan

  • Assign someone to direct content and train that person
  • Get inside the head of users and ask the 10 out of 10 question
  • Write content for conversions and strategy
  • Write content for SEO
  • Update your site weekly or more often

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast for more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the CEO and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.