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The Contact Us Page

One of the most important Website pages is the Contact Us page. This page is often overlooked or poorly developed, which can lead to user frustrations. Here are a few tips to developing a Contact Us page that meets user needs and drives conversions.

Website Users Expect a Contact Us Page

All Websites must have a Contact Us page because users expect to see one in the main navigation. Website users are quick to assume that the company does not want to be contacted if they can’t easily find this page. It is common for Website designers to not place much thought into the development of the Contact Us page and take it for granted. Many Websites either don’t have one or leave it off the main menu. This is a mistake that will reduce conversions.

Part of the Website’s Conversion Strategy

The Contact Us page is a critical conversion point. A visit to the Contact Us page is a conversion because users have a strong intent to contact the company when they visit this page. Include a link to the Contact Us page on the main navigation and keep it visible on all pages. Track visits to the Contact Us page and all forms of contact made from that page.

What to Include in the “Contact Us” Page

There are five common contact methods from the Web. All should be included on the Contact Us page.

  1. Phone – Use a toll free number for consumer Websites.
  2. Email – Use a general mailbox or send directly to sales and customer service.
  3. Form – Short forms get more conversions and longer forms better qualify leads.
  4. Fax – Some people still fax and faxes can be sent directly to email.
  5. Driving directions, maps and locations – for visits to your office or retail locations.

Also, include photos of people to contact, hours of operations, and timeframes for a return message. Focus on action and less on content. The Contact Us page should not be full of content, but rather clear steps to contact.

eCommerce Websites and the Contact Us Page

Having an online shopping cart is no reason to avoid having a good Contact Us page. People should be able to contact and buy via the phone or email and continue to shop from the Contact Us page. The page can be used to complete a sale, advertise a special offer, provide customer service and generally enhance the online shopping experience.

Keep the Contact Us page visible, easy to use and offer plenty of options for users to contact the business when ready however they wish to make contact. Also, get feedback on the Contact Us page to insure it meets user needs. This will help the user, drive more conversions and maintain a solid ROI for your Web marketing.

Thomas Young is CEO and President of Intuitive Websites, a Colorado Springs based Internet marketing, Website design and usability firm. To learn more about Intuitive Websites contact Tom at 719-481-4040 or [email protected].

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the CEO and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.