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Is Your Website Generic?

Many Websites struggle to communicate value and fail to engage visitors and drive marketing results. This often happens because the site has nothing unique to offer and appears generic to the Website user. Value and uniqueness does not come from flash and sizzle, but from the fundamental ideas that drive marketing success. Here are a few tips that add value and help avoid the development of a generic Website.

A Clear and Direct Tagline

The single most important piece of content on a Website is a clear tagline that clearly communicates to your target market who you are and the value you can bring. This content speaks to your target market, brands the Website and helps it to stand out from competitors by insuring it is unique and not generic.

Avoid Marketing-Speak Copy

Take the time to learn and understand the basics of writing copy for the Web. Avoid brochure copy or talking about your business too much and focus on direct communication that is benefit focused in a language understood by the Web user. For example, if you are a tax accountant, do not write that you are a “financial specialist with a broad range of accounting and budgetary skills” and do write that you “help people get their taxes done on time, maximize returns and minimize tax payments.” This is the real benefit.

Remove Internal Company Content

Every organization has their own internal language of terms in the office. Make sure your Website communicates in the language of the Website user and not the internal and often cryptic language of the people that work in the business. A simple direct message combined with an easy to use Website will keep your site from appearing generic to users and lead to greater returns.

Avoid Clip Art Images with No Captions

Clip art images with no messaging is the ultimate in generic Website design. It is not uncommon to see the same clip art image on multiple Websites. Use pictures of real people in your company and if you are selling intangible services, then use unique images that are aligned with strong, direct messaging about the value offered.

Your Business is NOT Generic

What do you do in your current business that is exciting and drives clients and customers to you? This should be the central theme of the content on your Website. Expressing and communicating the value you provide is what keeps your site from being generic. Work to make your Website a breath of fresh air and avoid the mistake of developing a generic Website.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.