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Website within a Website

In this podcast Glenn and Tom review how to market a Website within a Website. This is the Web marketing approach of building specific content areas within your Website that become mini-sites within your main company Website. These mini-sites, sub-sites or micro-sites, are effective in targeting individual market segments for your products and services.



Listen to the podcast to learn:
  • An understanding of when to set-up a Website within your site and when to launch a new site with a new domain.
  • How to take full advantage of the power of your domain name in Google.
  • Why micro-sites are important in Web marketing.
  • The elements of a successful micro-site.
  • How Google views and indexes micro-sites.
  • The best approaches for content marketing with micro-sites.


The key action items from this podcast:
  • Segment your market to determine the need for micro-sites.
  • Prepare a site map for the navigation structure of the site.
  • Keep the design and navigation consistent on all site pages.
  • Brand the micro-site as a sub area from the main Website.
  • Use a key term for the micro-site that can be tracked in the URL and in Google Analytics.
  • Get feedback from the market segments using the micro-site.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.