One of the greatest challenges to Internet marketing success is Website content. Content is the most important part of your Website as users ultimately come to your site to read content. Here are a few tips for getting results from your Website copy.
Who Will Write the Content?
In many cases, the key managers of a company are tasked with writing Website copy and they are immediately challenged with lack of time and direction. Key staff or contractors should be assigned to writing copy and staying on top of content updates. Make it a priority, because it is your Website user’s biggest priority.
Don’t Wing It
Learn how to write Website content. It takes skill and training to get it right. This article is an example of effective Website content. Use clear headers, small paragraphs, captions on photos and bullet points in your messaging. Most Websites can cut their content in half and still communicate the same message.
The Principle Law of Website Content
This is the 10 out of 10 rule. If 10 people come to your Website, all 10 will be able to understand exactly what you do and the value you provide. This should be very clear in your taglines and bullet points on your home page.
Avoid Market-Speak to Drive Conversions
Brochure copy should be avoided. Cut through the copy and get to the real message and benefit you provide customers. As a rule of thumb, writing about your business turns users off, and writing about how you can add value moves them towards a conversion. When users do convert, it happens because of the content they read on the site.
Develop a Content Theme
The content on your site, especially your home page, should be centered around three or four central themes that are key to your business. These themes are reinforced in your navigation and your product and services descriptions.
Bad Content is Ignored
Most users do not read poorly presented or written content. We have seen this firsthand in hundreds of hours of user testing sessions and in dozens of Google stats reports. Learn how to write effective content and increase your conversions.