How to Select Blog Topics
We can all agree updating your blog is very important. Every blog writer, including me, is often challenged with finding ideas and creating topics to blog about. Here are three guidelines to help you develop blog postings and get creative with relevant topics that are important to your Website visitors.
1. Content Must be Relevant to the Target Market
Blog content must be about what is happening in very specific market niches. Users want to read content that is clearly relevant to them and appropriate to your Website. That is why people visit your site to begin with! Do not write about current events, news or personal interest stories, unless they have a direct connection to your business and the marketplace to which you are marketing. Don’t force content to fit, it must be a natural connection.
2. Blog About Your Market Segment and Business
Every day things happen in your company that are of interest to a wider market group. Those are the best things to blog about. A new process or product, success stories, insights from mistakes, brainstorming, a great idea from a team member, etc… The best place to look for blog postings will come out of the conversions and things done on a daily basis at work.
3. Understand Blog Expectations
Hopefully, you can develop enough new topics to blog about. We recommend that you post content to social media once a week and blog several times a week. Keep the postings brief and set-up a feed so subscribers can get your content. Talk to your target market and ask them what they would like to know more about. If you still get stuck, contact us for a free consultation and we’ll help you brainstorm blog postings for your industry and Website.