Podcast Number 75 — April 2012
Glenn and Tom talk about 10 things to do before large investments in social media and SEO. This podcast is a review of Web marketing fundamentals that come before social media and driving Website traffic. Many Web marketers focus too much of their attention on social media and SEO and forget the basics.
1. Develop a clear and sustainable strategy for your Website.
2. Make sure the Website has clear and measurable conversion points.
3. The Website should be very easy to use and valuable for the target market.
4. 100% of site visitors should understand what the Website is about, especially on your home page and key landing pages.
5. The Website should be designed appropriately for the target market.
6. Set-up Google Analytics, test it and set data goals.
7. Develop a strong content strategy for the Website for all products and services.
8. Write a monthly email newsletter and blog daily or weekly.
9. Establish a strategy for social media content marketing prior to launch.
10. Research comprehensive, measurable SEO and PPC programs with strong ROI prior to launch.
Do these ten things and then you are ready to launch a comprehensive SEO and social media strategy.
What are the key action items for the listener?
- Take these ten steps and write an action plan or strategy for each one.
- A brief plan is better than no plan!
- Always remember that social media and SEO are parts of the whole and do not stand alone in Web marketing.