Why does a business need a podcast? Huge audience available to hear your message. People are multi-tasking to be more productive. Audio can be running in the background while listeners can continue other work at same time.
Blogs and podcasts are really one in the same. Add your mp3 files to your blog and you have posted your podcast to your blog. Some great resources are podcastalley.com and podcast.com.
Many people say, “I don’t have the technology to create a podcast”. It doesn’t take a recording studio to make a podcast. They can be produced in the comfort of your own living room with little expense.
- Macintosh computers come equipped with Garage Band, a free program that will create your mp3 files.
- PC users can download a free program at audacity.com.
- Use a good USB headset and microphone. One microphone for each person speaking gives best results.
- Professional announcers/hosts are a nice touch. Voices.com and Voices123.com are two sites to get you started.
Action plan:
- Make podcast strategy part of overall content distribution.
- Get the right equipment (basic usb microphone, software, host, music).
- Experiment
- Prepare outline of key points
- Summarize the key points on the blog posting