The fourth step of the Four-Step Process is perhaps the most important. It is the glue holding the process together and drives results and accountability for strategic digital marketing action plans. The final step brings the first three together and is used to receive and update the action items in the first three steps. This involves a process for tracking strategic digital marketing results in your web stats, meetings to review strategic digital marketing efforts, online conversions and a method for tracking ROI. From this step will come modifications to the strategic digital marketing strategies and action plans to improve conversions and drive a strong, measurable ROI. Step four sets the strategic digital marketing priorities for your team based on clear data and feedback from website users.
Action Items are the Key Value of Step Four
It may be that you’ll start with the action items in step four and use them to update your strategy, which in turn leads to website updates and traffic generation updates. Any way you look at it, step four is critical to success because it drives the review and analysis that brings about action plans to improve the first three steps. The action items in step four are composed of the daily and weekly strategic digital marketing work used to improve results. Most of the strategic digital marketing team’s time will be spent in step four activities.
Web Marketing Needs Constant Attention
Don’t take step four lightly because it is the final step in the process. Many web marketers spend less time on step four than they should. This is especially true after they redesign and launch a new website. Websites are not like printed brochures which are completed when sent to print. Websites must be constantly updated with fresh content. They are always changing and adapting to better meet visitor needs and those needs change over time.
The Power of Regular Web Marketing Meetings
Just like sales and marketing teams meet regularly to review strategies and action plans, so should web marketers. These strategic digital marketing meetings should be focused solely on website data and action items needed to improve website results. They should also coordinate with the company’s sales and marketing teams.
Analytics to Measure Sales and ROI
At the core of step four is gathering the data needed to track conversion results and measure ROI. Web stats become the direction for step four action items, and the proper interpretation of web data can have a tremendous impact on business results. We will now go deeper into step four so you can learn how to evaluate the proper web data in order to deliver excellent returns on investment from your strategic digital marketing efforts.