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Marketing Segmentation on the Web

What is marketing segmentation?

It is the process of determining the various characteristics of your marketplace and preparing a Website that meets those needs.  Identify the customer and what they perceive as benefits and overall value.  In other words, it is the science of understanding your market place and dividing it into segments.  Segments might include demographics, pricing, quality, and service expectations.   Understand the ranges of expectations and what your target market perceives as “value”.

Successful marketing segmentation allows you to better meet the needs of your customer, and do it better than your competitors that may not have that focus.

Two Great Books

  1. Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne)
  2. The Discipline of Market Leaders (Treacy and Wiersema)
    There are three market focus disciplines: Operational, Product  and Customer.
    Some rules to consider a) Strive to excel in a specific dimension of value, b) Maintain threshold standards on the other dimensions of value, c) Dominate your market by improving value year after year, and d) Build a well-tuned operating model dedicated to delivering unmatched value

Marketing Segmentation and Web Marketing

Focus your homepage content and navigation to speak directly to the market segment you are targeting.  The content throughout your site should also support your marketing strategy.  Close attention to detail and finding a unique market place are key.

Use Web based segmentation strategies to drive traffic. Focus on bringing less traffic but focus on the quality of the traffic. Search engine research is a form of market segmentation. Email, content distribution, and strategies on social networking should be addressed to the niche market segment you have identified.

Action item plan

  • Become a strategic Web marketing expert-do your homework.
  • Utilize Google Analytics
  • Deliver message and a Website that connects with your target market

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Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.