Don’t stop marketing your Website for Holiday sales just yet. There is still time to convert last minute shoppers and to develop strategies for new buyers after the Holidays and into early 2012. Here are a few ideas to make that happen.
Last Minute Ship Dates Email Campaign
A favorite late Holiday marketing tactic is the “last chance to order” email based on Holiday shipping dates. This places a very specific call to action on the buyer and targets select products to drive a strong conversion rate. Use email and Website messaging and recommend products that include free shipping.
Help the Very Busy, Undecided Buyer
This is a very busy time of year and can stress the undecided shopper. People go to the Web to make shopping more convenient, but it’s often difficult to buy the right gift, especially for the person that has everything. Help the undecided buyer with options, add-ons, unique gifts and other ideas to help them find a great gift. A good subject line for this promotion is: “Having a hard time selecting a last minute gift? We can help.”
What is Selling this Holiday?
A great way to help buyers is to show them top-selling products and what is popular.
This assures the Website visitors because many people have purchased this item so the masses can’t be wrong. Top sellers help simplify the decision making process for buyers.
The Brand’s First Exposure
Many customers become aware of your company for the first time over the Holidays. Surprise gifts are common and this leads to new Website visitors. Welcome them to the site with complimentary products, accessories, email subscribe options and other methods for capturing them as a loyal customer.
Post-Holiday Marketing
Don’t stop marketing after the Holidays. Online selling continues strong into January as people continue to buy late gifts or visit Websites selling the gifts they received to find accessories or to buy related items. Many gifts received this year will be a first time exposure to the brand by the gift recipient and they are very likely to go to the Web to learn more and be up-sold. It is important for the brand, for January sales and repeat business. Develop post-Holiday selling strategies to drive these goals.
Here are a few more ideas for last minute Holiday sales and post Holiday sales campaigns:
– Didn’t Get What You Wanted?
Not everyone gets what the gift they wanted. Many people buy gifts for themselves around the Holidays.
– The Perfect Accessory to Your Holiday Gift
– Did One of Our Products Make it Under the Tree?
If you received one of our products as a gift, buy direct for the first time and receive a discount.
– Keep in touch all year long and subscribe to our email offers.
If you enjoyed our products as a gift, you’ll love what we offer all year long.
We hope these few creative suggestions help you market for the remaining Holiday sales rush and into the next year.