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It’s McCain Versus Obama, on the Internet

Two of this year’s most popular Websites will belong to the presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.  Talk about different styles.  These Websites vary greatly in their approaches and effectiveness.

By far the biggest difference between the two Websites is Obama’s call to action and McCain’s lack of a strong conversion point.  Obama also focuses on mobilizing Internet communities.  McCain’s Website has less of a call to action and a strong focus towards media events, attacking Obama and news.


Here is a brief look at each candidate’s Website:


A busy Website that lacks a clear focus.  The site uses several ads, multiple pull-down menus and a strong focus on news with five stories about Obama.  The fonts are large and the site is full of McCain photos, banners and slogans. The Website is fairly static.


The first thing a new visitor sees is a brief splash page that has a very focused approach moving the visitor towards conversion.  The actual Website has a clean look and several navigation systems. McCain is only mentioned twice on the home page.  The Website is highly interactive with many options for the user.  It is also linked to many online communities and takes advantage of online networks to spread the message.


If the goals of these two Websites are to raise money for the campaign and get the candidate elected, then Obama is the winner with a stronger call to action and better online strategy to spread his message and recruit voters.

Visit the Websites and see what you think of their approaches. Obama certainly did a great job online to earn the Democratic nomination.  This year the Internet will play a more important role than ever in deciding our next president.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the CEO and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.