Fast Company magazine did an interesting spread of technology statistics in their March 2006 issue. According to Forrester Research, by 2010, 85% of US households will have a cell phone, 53% will own a laptop, 37% will use a digital recorder and 35% an MP3 player. Interesting Stats
And, comScore Media Metrix (November 2005) found that Americans spend 80 minutes online each day with the following activities:
-25.5 minutes on portals
-24.5 minutes on email
-13.6 minutes on retail
-9.8 minutes on community
-9.6 minutes on entertainment
-8.0 minutes on finance
-6.1 minutes on directories
-6.0 minutes on news
-4.8 minutes on technology
-3.5 minutes on search
So, what does this mean for your Website and Internet Marketing? How can you offer content that can be downloaded to cells and iPods? Can you better reach your customers via email or through portals? What opportunities do you have for retail on your Website? Keep watching online trends and don’t be afraid to adjust your Web strategy based on the new frontier!
Personally, I think the community stats will increase with the Echo/Gen Y generation coming on strong. Sites like MySpace are seeing huge traffic from the younger set. How will this impact your online marketing efforts? Likely, online PR and viral marketing will grow as mediums to reach into these online communities.