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How annoying can it be to take your money?

If I wasn’t desperate to get online at Starbucks today, T-Mobile would’ve most certainly lost a sale. I guess if you have customers who really, really, really, really need your product, then you don’t need to build usability into your shopping cart.

While it was easy to find a “day pass” to get online at Starbucks, actually paying took forever! Everytime there was an error in the form, all credit card information and security information had to be retyped “for security reasons.” First, there was a problem with my not reading the fine print on the number of characters needed in the username. Retype all my information. I’ll take the blame on this one. Second, someone had already used the name I chose. Retype all my information. Third, don’t use the same username as password (ok, that was a dumb try on my part, but I was trying to take the easy way out….not). Retype all my information. Fourth, someone had already used the name I chose again (I did not think lisalisa would be that popular…). Retype all my information.

The moral of the story…don’t make your users WORK to pay you. Most of them are not as desperate as me.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.