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Getting A Website Conversion and Closing the Sale, Part One

Part One: Conversions

The marketing goal of every Website should be to convert visitors to customers. This is easier said than done, as many Websites are online brochures that focus more on describing the company than converting Website users. In this two-part newsletter you will learn to generate conversions from the Web and close more sales from Internet leads. In this first part we will look at conversions.

Examples of Website Conversions:

Any visit to a Website that results in some form of interaction is a conversion. There are many ways to measure a conversion on a Website. Here are a few examples:

  • An online purchase
  • A phone call from a dedicated Website phone number
  • A form submission for more information
  • A form submission to receive something free
  • An email to the company from the Website
  • Subscribing to an email newsletter, podcast or other content
  • Signing-up for a Webinar, seminar or other event
  • Driving out to your store or office
  • Sending a link to a friend or referring a friend
  • Viewing multi-media on the Website
  • Making an online donation or pledge
  • Printing a coupon from the Website

The key is to track and measure these conversions and to make sure your Website has one or more of these conversion strategies in place. These conversions are the beginning of a relationship and should place them into a sales process that results in an ongoing relationship and develops a customer for your business.

These are Web strategies that should be defined in your Internet marketing plan and measured to set a conversion rate, overall marketing ROI and sales goals.

More Web Traffic or More Conversions?

It is common for Web marketers to want more traffic, when many times what they really need is a better conversion rate. Set a goal of three to five percent of your Website traffic converting. If this traffic is coming to you because they already know your brand, then set a goal of five to 10% of that traffic converting.

How to Measure Conversions

Set up an account on Google Analytics and track conversions by the type of visitor. Develop an ROI method to calculate your sales revenue from Web-based conversions. Google is very good at measuring conversions and setting up conversion paths, especially if you are running paid ads. Train marketing staff to look for these conversions and ask people how they heard about you and what motivated them to make contact.

Tips to Generate More Website Conversions

Here are a few ideas for generating more conversions from your Website:

  • Website visitors are impulsive, keep content scannable and links simple
  • Set the right message and call to action in your content
  • Place calls to action near popular content and on every page
  • Allow for more depth of content for analytical people
  • Shopping cart must be first rate, easy to use and intuitive
  • Use color photos with captions on all photos
  • Avoid objects that look like ads or large graphics, advertising is a turn off online
  • Landing pages are customized for the unique Web search terms
  • Content and knowledge drives conversions, not flash and graphics
  • Product photos on all pages and detailed descriptions are very important
  • Money back guarantee
  • Call your Website the official Website
  • Use unique Web phone numbers on every page, along with email and contact form
  • Test special offers and incentives, especially free shipping
  • Is the motive of the Website to sell stuff or help people?
  • Draw qualified traffic from the search engines
  • Have a professional, high quality design
  • Use consistent branding and messaging on the site
  • Be very well-organized in navigation and usability this builds credibility
  • Load the Website with content and media that excites visitors
  • A compelling offer that moves people to action

Sign-Up Now!

Should Website visitors have to sign-up before you send them information? It depends, but it is not usually a good idea, because users don’t like it. Test variations and see what happens.
Be generous with your content. You will see results and more conversions.

Action Plan

  • First determine what conversions work best
  • Develop an ideal path to conversion on your Website
  • Review your top performing competitors across industries
  • Test various ideas and offers
  • Use unique, Web-based phone numbers on your site for tracking
  • Watch your stats weekly or monthly on Google Analytics
  • Set a conversion rate goal
  • Develop a tracking system for measuring conversions and ROI
  • Test assumptions by asking for feedback from Web visitors and with user testing

Get creative and be realistic about results. When you have maxed your conversion rates, than get more traffic. Keep working with your Website to get better results, and remember it is always under construction!

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.