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Celebrating Podcast Number 50!

This is podcast number 50 for Intuitive Websites. In this Internet marketing podcast Tom and Glenn discuss podcasting in general and take a look back at four years of Web marketing podcasts.

Why do 50 free podcasts?

  • We started doing podcasts in Feb. 2006.
  • Our company focus is on training.
  • People can multi-task as they listen.
  • We want to help people understand the Web, most don’t.
  • Some hire us to implement, but most just listen to the podcasts.
  • Provides us with credibility and a chance to show that we know this field.

What have been a few of the key learning points from the podcasts?

  • The comprehensive nature of the podcasts and Web marketing.
  • The four step processes is covered in detail.
  • Much information in a complex area of Web marketing.

More questions: Do Intuitive Websites’ clients do podcasting?

Why or why not?

What are future plans for the podcasts?

We end each podcast with an action item plan. What are the key action items for the listener?

  • Go listen to our podcasts and take notes.
  • You can find the podcasts on iTunes and our Websites.
  • Start your own podcast channel and blog.
  • Contact us with topics for future podcasts.

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast. For more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit This podcast is available on iTunes.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the President and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.