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Strategic Digital Marketing Trends for 2011

In this Internet marketing podcast Glenn and Tom talk about Web marketing trends for 2011.
Here is an outline of their discussion.

What are a few trends in Internet marketing for 2011?

There are four key trends to discuss:

  1. Continued growth in eCommerce
  2. The decline of Google as a search resource
  3. Growth in email and text messaging in Web marketing
  4. Growth in an effective mobile Internet

What is driving growth in each area?

  • Increased demographics on eCommerce Websites
  • Websites other than Google and Facebook
  • Incredible variety of products and specialties
  • Mobile devices driven by Apple products
  • The smartest companies win as the recession fades

What is the role for Google in 2011?

  • Stronger Google local results
  • Lower Pay-Per-Click (PPC) charges
  • A net increase in PPC for smaller companies
  • Tools for Web marketers
  • Practical and focused approaches
  • Social networking and Facebook
  • The Yellow Pages and Google

Can email and texting grow anymore?

  • Email marketing and texting will grow as new demographics drive texting
  • Many companies still don’t have a corporate email program
  • Many companies run terrible email programs
  • Spam will decrease in effectiveness

Let’s talk about the mobile Internet.

  • iPad, iPhone and iPod
  • People want it now!
  • People are on the move

We end each podcast with an action item plan. What are the key action items for the listener?

  • Build an eCommerce strategy sooner rather than later
  • Take a look at Magento as an eCommerce platform
  • Explore all options for driving traffic
  • Develop an email marketing program today
  • Test your Website on mobile devices, including the iPad
  • Stay active and current on Web trends and stay ahead of competition.

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast. For more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the CEO and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.