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Website Review:

In this Internet marketing podcast Glenn and Tom review and critique the Website Hear their discussion and learn practical ideas on how to improve and market a Website on the Internet.

Visit and review the site as you listen to the podcast.

There are several questions to consider for this Website:

  • What is the strategy of this Website?
  • Do taglines describe the benefits of the company?
  • How does the Website generate revenue?
  • Who is the target market?
  • How does the design meet the needs of the target market?
  • Is the navigation easy to use and intuitive?
  • How should content be structured on the Website?
  • Is the Website SEO friendly?
  • What are conversion points on the site?
  • Much of the hard work on this site is done!

We end each podcast with an action item plan. What are the key action items for the listener?

  • Start with a Web marketing plan and clear strategy
  • Define how the site will produce revenue
  • Develop traffic generation strategies
  • Drive traffic to schools from the site
  • Use intuitive search functions based on Web stats
  • Develop an interactive questionnaire and degree profile
  • Establish clearly defined conversion points
  • Research AdSense, ShareASale, or other affiliate networks that may be an option

This has been the Intuitive Websites Internet Marketing Podcast. For more information and to see all the available podcasts and much more, visit This podcast is available on iTunes.

Thomas Young

Thomas Young is the CEO and Founder of Intuitive Websites. He is a consultant, award winning Vistage speaker and author of “Winning the Website War” and “Sales and Marketing Alignment.” Tom has helped thousands of companies succeed online and has over 25 years digital marketing experience.